Indonesia Issues New Technical Requirements for Short-Range Devices
Indonesia Issues New Technical Requirements for Short-Range Devices

Indonesia Issues New Technical Requirements for Short-Range Devices

Indonesia Telecommunication Authority (SDPPI) issued Ministerial Decree №260 of 2024 on technical standards for short-range devices (SRD).

It contains requirements for SRDs with regards to:

1. Power supply

When using an external power supply such as an AC/DC power converter, the source must not affect the technical parameters of the SRD.

2. Non-ionizing radiation

SRD non-ionizing radiation requirements should align with International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines and other related ministerial regulations.

3. Electrical safety

SRD should meet the requirements indicated in the following standards:

  • SNI IEC 60950-1 / IEC 60950-1
  • SNI IEC 62368-1 / IEC 62368-1
  • SNI 04-6253
  • IEC 60065 or relevant SNI/ IEC standards for SRD
4. Electromagnetic compatibility

SRD must comply with the requirements indicated in:

  • SNI CISPR 32 / CISPR 32 or one of the ETSI EN 301 489 series
5. Operational technical provisions

SRD should not be made with external control facilities that allow operational adjustments conflicting with the indicated technical standards.

6. Frequencies

The application and frequency allocated for the following devices were added:

  • RFID in the 433-434.79 MHz and 2400-2483.5 MHz bands
  • Ultra-Wide Band (UWB)
  • Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) in the 314-316 MHz, 433-434.79 MHz, 920-923 MHz bands
  • Cordless Telephone
  • Wireless Power Transmission (WPT)
  • Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
  • Assistive Listening Devices in the 169.400-169.475 MHz band
  • Medical Devices in the 216-217 MHz and 402-405 MHz frequency bands
  • Radar Sensor Devices in the 57-64 GHz frequency band
7. Antenna

It is allowed to use both Integrated and Dedicated antennas in the SRD. However, the RF output power of Dedicated antennas should be within the limits and requirements specified in the Decree.

This Ministerial Decree comes in force on August 12, 2024.

The information has been prepared by the GMA Consult Group team.

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July 30, 2024

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