Thailand Introduces New Labeling Requirements for Computing Machinery
Thailand Introduces New Labeling Requirements for Computing Machinery

Thailand Introduces New Labeling Requirements for Computing Machinery

The Office of the Consumer Protection Board (OCPB) in Thailand has recently issued an announcement regarding labeling requirements for personal computers and computer equipment. This significant update, which came into effect on November 1, 2023, outlines specific guidelines for labeling these products within the Thai market.

It is important to note that these new requirements do not extend to products solely destined for the export market. Labels on computing machinery within Thailand must prominently feature Thai language. However, additional information can be presented in foreign languages as well.

For personal computers, the label must include comprehensive information, ensuring clarity and transparency for consumers. This includes:

  1. Product type information: a clear description of the product
  2. Manufacturer information: the name or trademark of the manufacturer registered in Thailand
  3. Seller or importer details: the name or trademark of the seller or importer, also registered in Thailand
  4. Country of origin: for products manufactured outside Thailand
  5. Local contact information: local address of the seller, representative, or importer in Thailand
  6. Product characteristics: details like size, dimensions, quantity, or weight
  7. Product specifications: Key features should be listed, such as:
    - Screen size
    - Central processing unit (CPU)
    - Graphics processing unit (GPU)
    - Main memory elements of permanent and random memory(ROM and RAM)
    - Secondary storage
    - Operating system (OS)
  8. Application usage: information to guide consumers on the correct purpose of use
  9. Usage and storage recommendations: to ensure proper handling of the product
  10. Production date:
  11. Note: “This product is continuously developed. It may affect the production or cancellation of product production and spare parts in the future.”
  12. Additional statements: These should cover:
    - Guarantee period
    - Availability period for spare parts
    - Telephone number of the service center
    - A specific note for products without a service center in Thailand: “There is no service center in Thailand for this product.”

For a detailed understanding of these regulations, the full text of the announcement is available here: OCPB Announcement.

Die Informationen wurden erstellt von der GMA Consult Gruppe Team erstellt.

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January 15, 2024

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