Australia Introduces New Supplier Declaration of Conformity Form
Australia Introduces New Supplier Declaration of Conformity Form

Australia Introduces New Supplier Declaration of Conformity Form

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has recently introduced a new sample form, Form C02, for the supplier's declaration of conformity. This form is in accordance with the Telecommunications (Labelling Notice for Customer Equipment and Customer Cabling) Instrument 2015, the Radiocommunication Equipment (General) Rules 2021, and the Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Notice 2017. It was issued in May 2023 and aims to streamline the compliance process.

The form includes the following sections that need to be filled out:

1. Supplier's Details:

  • Company name (or individual)
  • Street address (Australia or New Zealand)
  • Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Registered Business Number (ARBN)

2. Product Details:

  • Brand name
  • Type
  • Current model
  • Lot, batch, or serial number (if available)
  • Software/firmware version (if applicable)

3. Date of manufacture or importation of the original/modified item

4. Compliance with Standards:

  • Evidence of compliance with applicable standards
  • Details of the standard title and number
  • Test report/endorsed test report number or certification/competent body statement (if applicable)

5. Declaration itself includes:

  • Signature
  • Name
  • Position
  • Date

ACMA emphasizes that suppliers have the option to create their own declaration of conformity. However, it must include all the required information as per the current version of Form C02.

It's important to note that the supplier must retain the declaration as part of the documentation for compliance records. Additionally, the declaration must be provided upon request during an ACMA inspection. Once the declaration is complete, the supplier can cover the compliance label on the product.

The sample Form C02 for the supplier's declaration of conformity is available on the ACMA website, ensuring ease of access for all suppliers.

For more information and to access the form, visit the ACMA website.

Die Informationen wurden erstellt von der GMA Consult Gruppe Team erstellt.

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June 9, 2023

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