Macau Expands Permitted Frequency Bands for Short-Range Devices
Macau Expands Permitted Frequency Bands for Short-Range Devices

Macau Expands Permitted Frequency Bands for Short-Range Devices

The Government of Macau published Decision No. 64/2024 that introduces changes in the Order from the Chief Executive No. 198/2014 regarding low power and short-range radio communications equipment that is exempted from government licensing.

Thus, the low-power and short-range radio communication equipment of Category 1.8 and Category 1.10 specified in paragraph 1 of the Order No. 198/2014 were modified as follows:

The Decision No. 64/2024 becomes effective from April 16, 2024.

The Document itself you can find here (available only Chinese and Portuguese versions).

The information has been prepared by the GMA Consult Group team.

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May 17, 2024

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