Moldawien erweitert den Frequenzbereich für Funkzugangssysteme
Moldawien erweitert den Frequenzbereich für Funkzugangssysteme

Moldawien erweitert den Frequenzbereich für Funkzugangssysteme

The National Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology of Moldova (ANRCETI) informs about changes in the Radio Regulations. ANRCETI extended the frequency band for Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN).

The National Agency of Moldova develops national technical regulations based on the CEPT/ECC Decisions. The Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) is one of the three committees established by the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) and deals with the spectrum allocation by improving sharing and access to spectrum.

Thus, ANRCETI allowed the use of 5945-6425 MHz frequency band for Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN) from March 31, 2022. This decision results from studies within CEPT and public consultation that have been included to ECC / DEC (20) 01 “On the harmonised use of the frequency band 5945-6425 MHz for Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN)” and, in particular, based on the technical conditions listed in the Annex 1 to the Decision.

Die Informationen wurden erstellt von der GMA Consult Gruppe Team erstellt.

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July 27, 2022

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